Weight Training

Meet our Trainers here

Our Weight Training Program Features:

  • Friendly and professional staff
  • Training programs designed for your personal goals
  • Experienced personal trainers
  • Guidance and counseling for nutrition and supplements
  • Helps you effectively train your body

At Super Nutrition Fitness Centers, we are fully committed to helping you achieve and even surpass your fitness goals. Our innovative combination of weight training, cardio, personal training, and vitamins and supplements will help you achieve the results you are looking for.

Whether you choose to work with our personal trainers, or create your own weight training program, you can experience:

  • Increased muscle strength
  • Reduced body fat
  • Positive changes in cholesterol
  • Possible improvement in blood pressure
  • Potential improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity

We create a fun, community atmosphere at Super Nutrition Fitness Centers.  You’ll get in the best shape of your life, and make new friends at the same time. If you’re ready achieve all your fitness goals, visit Super Nutrition Fitness Centers in East Peoria and Bartonville.